Thursday, 26 September 2019

Inner And Outer Practice

I think that inwardly Zen is the answer whereas outwardly unorthodox Trotskyism is the answer. There are parallels between inner and outer practices. On the one hand, supreme enlightenment has not yet been realized and the working class has not yet taken complete control. On the other hand, there is always something to be done by individuals and groups here and now.

Currently, politically, we are in a race against time. We know that each of us will die some time. Spiritually, I think, the question is: how far can we progress in meditation between now and then? (That is not the right way to put it but there is no right way to put it.) Physically, we need to leave a planet for future generations whether or not those generations are going to include rebirths of our individual karmas, which I do not believe.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Causes And Mechanisms

The Buddha taught that the cause of suffering was mental grasping.

I agree that it is the psychological cause but there are also physical causes.

Darwin found that the mechanism of biological change was natural selection.

Marx found that the mechanism of historical change was class struggle.

Mental grasping and class struggle directly affect us now.

Class society is about to change the environment faster than human beings will be able to adapt to it.